Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Metod 2 how to help an alcoholic

Method 2 Be Supportive to help friends stop drinking alcohol

Do not drink near the person.

This will make the person more difficult to reduce the habit of drinking alcohol. It can also trigger unhealthy drinking habits in your life. You can help the person by meeting and spending time in places that do not serve alcohol. This will make it easier for people to stop drinking.

Speak to others

Ask people who are closest to the person, whether they are paying attention to any worrisome behavior or whether they think the person has a problem. Avoid telling others that the person is an alcoholic and be careful not to tell anyone you do not need to know. Do not risk to damage the privacy of that person

If you think the person is an alcoholic, it's time to get someone else involved. The problem is too big for you to handle yourself and you should get outside help for the alcoholic as soon as possible

Talk to the person. 

Remind him that you are worried, so caring about him and want him to get help. Brainstorm what you see and ask what you can do to help. Be prepared if the person does not want your help or temporarily evades you.

If the person is open for assistance, offer to consult a professional expert. Prepare a list of help for the alcoholics. The list must have Alcoholics Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) contact information, the names of therapists and psychologists who specifically assist alcoholics, and the list of rehabilitation centers.

Try to involve a professional expert

If the alcoholic refuses to take medication, or even refuses to consider it, try to engage a therapist.  A therapist has experience handling various types of alcoholics, and will work with you to plan for the alcoholics.

Professional therapists know how to deal with defensive attitudes and other behaviors that can upset or confuse the immediate family members.

Be supportive during the therapy period

If the alcoholic has agreed to undergo therapy and take steps to avoid getting drunk again, insist that you support him and this is the best thing a person can do. Relieve the person's feelings of guilt or shame by pointing out that you are proud of him for getting help.

Prepare to support him if he recurs again

If the person goes into a rehabilitation center and has completed a series of therapies, he may become unsteady when getting out of there. For some people, therapy is never ending and alcoholism is something that must be constantly faced. Family and friends of alcoholics should continue to support the person, even if he relapsed again. Recurrent conditions occur in almost the majority of alcoholics.

Do calming non-alcoholic activities to do together. Cycling. Playing card. Pretend there's rain and calm down together. Making cake. Get out of the house and enjoy life together. Go to the museum. Go to the park and have a picnic.

Encourage the person to frequently attend AA meetings and get counseling if necessary. Let him know if you are by his side to talk if he needs you.

Watch yourself

Being a close friend or family member of an alcoholic is a tiring thing and can cause feelings of helplessness and despair. Alcoholic addiction is often referred to as "family illness" because the effect goes beyond the person's life with his alcohol problem. Spend some time doing activities that make you feel good and increase your confidence and self-esteem during these times.

Consider undergoing therapy. It helps if there is someone you can talk to about your feelings during this difficult emotional time.

Spend time with other friends and family members.

You need to take a break facing someone with the problem of drinking alcohol. Even if you focus on the health of family members who are addicted to alcohol, spending time with others in your life can help unleash the minds of those things and restore your energy.

Make sure you solve your own personal problems during this time. Avoid focusing too much on the person with the problem of drinking alcohol, so you damage other relationships in your life or develop your own dependency problems.

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