Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Allergic rhinitis treatment

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation that occurs in the nasal cavity due to an allergic reaction. Symptoms in this condition usually arise after a person exposed to allergic triggers (allergens). Some of the symptoms include:

1)A runny or stuffy nose.
3)The eyes are itchy or watery.

Each allergy sufferer may experience different symptoms. Generally symptoms of allergic rhinitis are mild and manageable. But it can also appear symptoms severe enough to inhibit daily activities. Check with your doctor if:

  • Experiencing symptoms that seem very disturbing and not getting better.
  • Drug allergies are not effective or just trigger a disturbing side effects.
  • Having other diseases that can aggravate allergic rhinitis, such as sinusitis, asthma, or polyps in the nasal cavity.

Causes of Allergic Rhinitis 

The main cause of allergic rhinitis is the reaction of the immune system to allergic triggers. The immune system that considers allergens as harmful substances then releases histamine compounds into the blood. This reaction can trigger swelling and irritation of the nose and excessive production of nasal secretions.

There are various allergens that can trigger the reaction of the immune system if inhaled through the nose. Some common types of allergens are pollen, mites, dust, and animal dander.

Risk Factors Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis can be experienced by anyone, but there are several factors that are thought to increase the risk of allergic rhinitis. These trigger factors include:

  • Hereditary factors. A person's risk for experiencing allergic rhinitis will increase if the parents or siblings also have the same condition.
  • Have other types of allergies, such as asthma.
  • Environmental exposure. For example, furniture craftsmen continue to be exposed to wood dust.
  • Exposure to cigarette smoke. Infants exposed to secondhand smoke, have a risk of allergic rhinitis later in life.

Diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis

The process of diagnosis of allergic rhinitis will begin by asking the symptoms experienced as well as the patient's medical history. The doctor will then examine the patient's nose to look for the disorder that can be the cause of the symptoms. Examples of possible tests are nasal endoscopy, CT scan, or nasal inspiratory flow test (nasal inspiratory flow test).

Where necessary, follow-up may be necessary to confirm allergies, such as blood tests to assess immunoglobulin E (IgE) and skin prick tests to determine the type of allergen.

allergic rhinitis treatment

Methods of treatment of allergic rhinitis vary for each patient. The difference in treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and their effect on the patient's life.

Avoiding allergen or allergen triggers is a major treatment and prevention method for allergic rhinitis. For example if you have allergies to dust, then clean the house regularly, especially the room that is often used.

Allergic rhinitis can not be cured, but the symptoms can be relieved and controlled through appropriate treatment measures. Some of them are:
Drugs, such as antihistamines, decongestants, and corticosteroids. Symptoms of mild allergic rhinitis can generally be overcome with decongestants or antihistamines that can be purchased freely in pharmacies. But if you experience symptoms of severe allergic rhinitis, patients should see a doctor to get the right kind of medicine. When needed, doctors will also combine it with nasal sprays containing ipratropium or leukotriene inhibitors
Immunotherapy or desensitization. This action is done by injecting allergens to the patient's skin, at any given time interval (usually once a week), with increasingly elevated doses. The goal is to reduce the body's immune sensitivity to the allergen. Provision of allergens can also be in the form of tablets that are drunk. 
Nasal irrigation. This action is to cleanse the nasal cavity by spraying or sucking special liquid through the nose, then remove it through the mouth. 

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