Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Causes of bipolar disorder


Bipolar disorder is the condition of a person who experiences mood swings are fluctuating and drastic, for example suddenly become very happy from the previously gloomy. Another name for bipolar disorder is a depressive bead.

There are two episodes in bipolar disorder, ie episodes of mania (up phase) and depression (phase down). In the period of mania, the patient becomes visibly vibrant, energetic, and fast-talking. While in the period of depression, the patient will look sad, lethargic, and lost interest in daily activities.

Based on the mood episode turnover, there are some people with bipolar disorder who experience a normal state between mania and depression. There is also a rapid turnaround from mania to depression or vice versa in the absence of a normal period (rapid cycling). In addition, there are also people with bipolar disorder who experience mania and depression simultaneously. For example, when the patient feels very energetic, but at the same time also feel very sad and desperate. This phenomenon is called a mixed state.

Causes of bipolar disorder

Until now, experts do not yet know what causes the occurrence of bipolar disorder. Some argue that this condition is caused by an imbalance neurotransmitter or brain function controller. In addition, there is also a opinion that bipolar disorder associated with genetic factors (heredity).

Several factors that may increase a person's risk of bipolar disorder are high levels of stress, traumatic experiences, alcohol or drug addiction, and have a family history of close (siblings or parents) suffering from bipolar disorder.

Diagnosis of bipolar disorder

It takes psychological evaluation to diagnose bipolar disorder. In this case, the doctor usually asks about the patient's behavior patterns, the mood he is feeling, and what he thinks. In addition, doctors also usually ask patients or family patients to provide information relating to episodes of mania or depression.

Because there are other conditions that can also cause the same symptoms as bipolar disorder, namely hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, then physical examination associated with the two diseases is also necessary to ensure the patient's condition.

Treatment of bipolar disorder

The purpose of treating bipolar disorder is to decrease the frequency of episodes of mania and depression in order for the patient to live normally and blend in with the environment.

In addition to improving lifestyle, treatment usually involves the administration of drugs in combination with psychological therapy (eg, cognitive behavioral therapy).

causes of bipolar disorder

Until now, experts do not know the cause of bipolar disorder. This condition is thought to arise due to an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters include dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline which have the function of controlling brain functions. The notion that bipolar disorder is affected by neurotransmitter imbalance is reinforced by medical evidence, ie when a person has too low noradrenaline levels that trigger episodes of depression. And conversely, when the levels of noradrenaline are too high, then what appears is the episode of mania. 

Pendapat sebagian ahli lainnya mengatakan bahwa gangguan bipolar berkaitan dengan genetika yang diwariskan dari orang tua dan faktor lingkungan di mana seseorang dibesarkan.
Seseorang yang menderita gangguan bipolar, gejalanya dapat muncul sewaktu-waktu. Kemunculan gejala ini bisa dipicu oleh beberapa hal, salah satunya adalah stres berlebihan, misalnya karena ditinggal mati oleh orang yang dicintai, karena perceraian atau putus hubungan dengan kekasih, dan karena pelecehan. Stres tidak boleh dianggap enteng karena terbukti menjadi pemicu utama hampir sebagian besar masalah-masalah psikologis, termasuk gangguan bipolar.
Selain stres, faktor-faktor lainnya yang bisa memicu kemunculan gejala atau umumnya ditemukan bersamaan dengan gangguan bipolar adalah:
  • Housekeeping, financial, or employment issues
  • Addictions of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs
  • Housekeeping, financial, or employment issues
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Physical illness

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