Friday, February 23, 2018

Breast reconstruction after mastectomy

Not a few women who experience breast cancer is afraid in undergoing a mastectomy, the surgical removal of the breast. Most of them are afraid of not having a beautiful breast shape again after a mastectomy. Now, however, there is a procedure called breast reconstruction, a medical act in which the breast is re-formed from the beginning using a certain material, so that it resembles normal shape. However, when is this breast surgery best done?

Do I have to do breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction is a breast surgery that aims to make the female breast shape back by using silicone or other body tissues. Although breast reconstruction is included in the treatment of breast cancer, you can still choose whether to do it or not. Because there are actually advantages and disadvantages in this medical procedure.

You may get a normal breast shape again and make confidence again increased. But on the other hand, breast reconstruction is a medical act that also has risks like surgery in general. Therefore, before deciding, it is better to discuss with your treating physician to know clearly the risks that may occur.

When can I do breast reconstruction?

Associated when breast surgery can be done, depending on the conditions of each breast cancer patient and the treatment applied. Actually, this procedure can be done immediately when the mastectomy is done, so you do not have to go back to the operating room and be drugged many times. In addition, if breast reconstruction is done in conjunction with a mastectomy procedure, then your recovery time will be faster.

However, it depends on the condition of the body as well as the treatment that you should do afterwards. If you have to undergo chemotherapy and radiation after a mastectomy, then breast reconstruction will not be done at that time.

What happens when reconstruction is done before radiation and chemotherapy?

If you perform a mastectomy before undergoing radiation or chemotherapy, then the reconstruction action will be postponed until all treatment is completed. Therefore, radiation and chemotherapy can affect the shape and condition of your breast that has been reconstructed.

Radiation can cause permanent problems in the pigmentation, texture, and elasticity of the skin, making it a high risk to damage the shape of the breast that has been re-created. While chemotherapy can make the process of healing the former wound surgery to be slow. This condition increases the risk of infection in the breast that is constructed.

So, patients who still have to undergo chemotherapy or radiation should delay the formation of breast surgery until the treatment is complete. In fact, patients with stage 3 breast cancer or tumors in their breasts larger than 5 cm, then it is advisable to wait at least six months or a year to perform a reconstruction of the breast.

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